Been a busy few days, went job hunting on Saturday. I'm not in desperate need of one, but it'd be nice to have something to do in th...
''Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are...
Boredem is getting to me so much that im searching through pages and pages on Ebay and weheartit, obsessing about making muffins/cupcakes an...
Ok, so most of the tees/sweatshirts are different, maybe. But seriously, do people actually pay $108 (£75 ish) for things like this? It actu...
I thought it was time i showed you something i've done at uni. This is one of the 6 illustrations i did. These are also 2 of the garm...
Simply amazing!
For as long as i can remember i've had a real love for butterflies. I like them so much, 5 years ago i had two put on my back.
I can't even explain how much my life sucked this week. I've done that much work i've managed to watch 4 seasons of SATC I'v...
Home was ace, as always. Meeting up with the family was good too. Today i had the suprise of going to a reading of Jodi Picoults new book at...
So Thursday was hell, it didn't get any better either. My illustrations didn't print correctly so i had to add that to the list of t...
I actually cried at uni, i can't handle the stress anymore, i swear it's turning me in to one massive wreck.
  So trekking in to town to buy some uni supplies turned out to be a lot more fun! I brought a sequin face top in Primark, it's rea...
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