Friday 3 June 2016


A few weeks ago my favourite hair care products ran out, you may remember I mentioned them in this post. Although this makes me sad as those products really are great, I feel like it’s always then a good time to try something new.  I raided my hair drawer (yep, an actual drawer, girl gotta look after those locks!) and picked up this Curl Friends range from Umberto Giannini, which by the way, is pretty bloomin’ good... 

The Curls Friends range consists of about 8 products which are all very reasonably priced and the scent is very pleasant. I’m always a little wary of products which target specific styles as I’m like ‘BUT HOW CAN YOU DO THAT?! WHAT MAGIC IS IN YOU?’ so trying a specific curly range made me a bit skeptical. I do have naturally wavy to curly hair but tend to curl it once a week with curling tongs to bring out those curls, this pair has been my favourite for years now and they’re the best I’ve ever used.

So with that in mind, I know that the curls aren’t just down to the products alone. However, as I mentioned I have curled my hair a lot over the years and have done that with lots of various products. With this range my hair DID feel a lot smoother and softer, I found I had more control over my curls and although my curls tend to stick around for a while, I had this bouncy look for longer than usual which is fine by me!  

I think this is a great range, its good value for money and it won’t break the bank. I’m going to try it without curling tongs just to see how it compares, but if I can have soft and healthy looking hair from just these products alone then I’m winning.  

Just a heads up, at the moment Boots have a 10% off when you spend £20 on hair care.

Umberto Giannini Curl FriendsUmberto Giannini Curl FriendsUmberto Giannini Curl FriendsUmberto Giannini Curl FriendsUmberto Giannini Curl Friends


  1. My Mum uses a few bits from this range and she loves it. I've never tried it though as I have naturally dead straight hair but I wish I had wavy hair!

    Emily // Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


  2. I spotted this range in Boots last year and I wondered how good it could be! Sounds great, and it might work even better with really curly hair rather than wavy to curly. Control and smooth curls are exactly what I want, so it sounds right up my street! :)

    Julia x

  3. Your hair looks amazing! I have such dry and frizzy hair, this range sounds perfect for me

    Lauren x |

  4. Love how it's so affordable!

  5. I have curly hair, I think I'm gonna try this products to domate them.

  6. Your hair looks amazing!
    welcome to


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