Tuesday, 21 April 2015


Jacket: H&M Dress: Sheinside | Shoes: New Look 

Hiiii everyone! It feels like I've not written anything on here for ages, sorry! I wore this outfit out for birthday/leaving drinks with the girls last weekend. We went for cocktails in Nottingham which was lovely, and then myself and one other ended up in Rock City at 3am. 26 and still no hangovers, am i lucky or what!

I'm loving my new job, i'm settling in well and i'm kinda getting used to the long days. My new car is so fuel efficient and coming well in the budget i set for it so i'm really happy about that! I'm currently writing this blog post on my lunch break. Blogging in the evenings just isn't happening at the moment and weekends seem to fly by so i use my hours lunch to catch up on Twitter, Facebook and my emails! As well as eat my homemade leek and potato soup which i must admit is pretty tasty!

I've been an absolute slacker with the gym/classes recently too. I'm just so tired I don't have the energy to go. But with a holiday being booked this weekend (hopefully) for the end of June i really need to find the motivation and myself working out regularly again. How do you do it?!

Yesterday myself and James took the day off work to finally celebrate my birthday. We headed to Alton Towers and we couldn't have picked a better day! The weather was beautiful and it was relatively empty. We didn't have to queue for any rides and even managed to sit at the front on quite a few of them. It was the best day, i had such a great time even if i do feel like i've been hit by a tonne of bricks today. Who knew riding roller coasters could be so exhausting?! Roll on home time!

photos by Jenny Sneap


  1. The dress is so beautiful Victoria, I love the intricate detailing :)
    Happy Birthday, sounds like you had a brilliant time and did loads!
    Such a good idea going to a theme park this early in the year to miss the queues but still have good weather! I've not been to alton towers for a couple of years, it's so good!

    Zandra // AZTEC DOLL Fashion & Beauty Blog

  2. Beautiful dress - you look great! :)

  3. The dress is beautiful, I love the print! Thr blazer looks perfect with it! <3

  4. you look lovely Victoria, that dress is so stunning and your birthday celebrations sounds so good, Alton Towers on a sunny day just sounds perfect <3


  5. Love the shoes! Not sure I could walk in them! You look fab :).

    Christie x

  6. So beautiful Vic, that dress is just lovely! Drinks turning into spontaneous nights out in Nottingham seems to be something that happens alot in this city, aha x


  7. Wow that dress is absolutely stunning Victoria - the detailing is incredible!

    Story Of A Girl

  8. Lovely dress! I wanted to get it as well but I'm afraid to shop online on websites like Sheinside :( But it does look great on you, and the quality seems nice!

    Julia x
    Check out my last post here: http://juliaspeaksbeauty.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/edinburgh-photo-diary-part-i.html

  9. such a cute dress! love the shape and pattern x

    Natalie / Salt & Sail

  10. love the print


  11. You always find such great things on Sheinside, need to trawl the site more often.

    North of London

  12. This dress is gorgeous!!! And I know what you mean about being tired, but just takes a little bit of juggling and sorting out a routine xx

    VanessaVonJames | Fashion Blog

  13. That dress is just gorgeous. What a fabulous print! No hangovers at 26??? This done not seem fair!!! Glad to hear you're enjoying the new job and huge props for fitting in blog writing during your lunch breaks! In other news, I frickin' LOVE Alton Towers. I went recently on a Sunday and there was nobody there; it was amazing. I just love the Sonic pinball roller coaster; hands down the best ride in the park for me!


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