Monday 12 January 2015


On Saturday (10th January) this little blog had a birthday, VIPXO turned  f i v e   y e a r s  old. When I think back to that very snowy day back in Leeds, in a house i shared with 4 other girls, i never thought in a million years that 5 years later i'd still be writing on this corner of the internet in a year where i'll be turning 26 and it being a source of income. 

5 years is a long time for anything to be in your life, my blog has been my diary, my way of documenting my life and in so many ways it's been therapy. My blog has been there through break ups, moving house (a lot!), adventures and enabling me to meet some of the nicest people a girl ever could. 

This blog has been a learning curve, it's built and broken me, it's changed me a person and it's made me the soon to be 26 year old i am today and for that, i couldn't be more grateful. It's incredible to know that on here there's 5 years of my life, pages and pages of memories on one url. Mind blowing!

Sometimes you can get swept away in the blogging world and your desire to create unique/interesting content can sometimes get the better of you, competition is obvious and sometimes it can become very over whelming. But the fact is, i can still write on here and have people come back to read whatever i have to say and that's pretty awesome.  Maybe after all this time i'm doing alright after all.

So if you've been with me since that very first snowy afternoon, or if today is your first time visiting then thank you, honestly  t h a n k  y o u  from the bottom of my heart. I wouldn't be where i am today without you and that means so much. I'm excited to watch my blog progress, grow along side myself and i can't wait to see what's just around the corner... 

Here's to another happy blogging year! 



  1. Happy Blog Birthday and congrats on 5 years! I hope you succeed even more and have a great journey with your blog.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale | bloglovin' |

  2. Happy 5th bloggy birthday! Yours is one of my favourites to read :)

    Jen xx

  3. Ah happy blog anniversary Victoria! Your blog is honestly one of my favourites!

  4. Well done, I always enjoy reading your posts!

  5. Congratulations. That's such a long time to stick with something. I've been doing it 3 years this Summer and its nice to look back x

    Kate | A British Sparkle

  6. Happy Birthday VIPXO!!! I remember the hay days :p xx

  7. Happy Birthday :)) so happy for you! i Love reading all your post! i think i look everyday just incase you have a new update. xx

  8. Congrats!! i am so happy for you. I have followed for a long time and it has been great seeing your blog grow and progress. Even though there are thousands of bloggers which may seem like a lot of competition, I still find myself coming back to yours because of your unique content and writing style!

    Happy birthday VIPXO! a great blog indeed:) x

  9. Happy Blog Birthday Victoria! I have been following your blog from the last 3+ years, you are one of my faves! Cheers to another 5+ years!!

  10. Happy blog birthday! Yours was one of the first blogs I read back when I first started out - my blog is 5 now too and its crazy to think that I stuck at it and still write it! x

  11. Happy 5th blog birthday! I've been following for a couple of years now and always enjoy coming back to read your posts! xo

  12. Congratulations!


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